Matteo Spadetto

Postdoc at the Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche e Fisiche of the University of Udine, Italy, supervised by Marino Miculan.

My PhD thesis, completed at the School of Mathematics of the University of Leeds (UK), is in mathematical and categorical logic and dependent type theory. It was supervised by Nicola Gambino, Federico Olimpieri, and Michael Rathjen.

Email address. Contact me at where nomen is spadetto.

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One of my main research interests lies in the area of homotopy type theory and semantics of dependent type theory. I am particularly interested in propositional (also know in the literature as weak, objective, axiomatic) type theory, where computation rules are all explicit. I study such formal systems via categorical semantics methods, in order to deduce properties like property-likeness, completeness, coherence, relative consistency, and conservativity.

I have also been working on the notions of hyperdoctrines and Grothendieck fibrations to approach the study of fragments of first-order logic, focusing on quantifier completions, the dialectica construction, and canonicity properties.

Click here for a curriculum vitae and here for a research statement.

Ongoing research.

Publications and preprints (arXiv versions here)
Selected talks in conferences, workshops, seminars
Visiting activities
  • ILLC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Host Benno van den Berg. April-May 2023.
  • University of Padua, Italy. Host Maria Emilia Maietti. December 2022.
Some links and stuff

cuckoo's A portrait of me and my collaborator working together.